Playing and exploring – engagement
Finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to ‘have a go’
Active learning – motivation
Being involved and concentrating, keeping trying and enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things.
For further information please see the Parents’ Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
You can also find more information in the guidance to your child’s learning and development in the Early Year’s Foundation Stage document.
British Values
The promotion of British Values is reflected in the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance and exemplified in an age-appropriate way through activities such as:
Children are encouraged to listen to each other in small group games, waiting for another person to finish before speaking. They experience group decision making and expressing their own opinions when choosing snack items for the following week, and when using the mosaic approach to review activities which they liked/disliked.
The child’s voice is included in their termly summative observations and informs their key person of what to include for future planning activities.
Individual Liberty
The free-flow periods during the session enable children to choose which area of pre-school they would like to play in, and the wide range of activities promotes their ability to self-select according to their individual preferences and interests.
Mutual Respect
The staff team role model appropriate behaviour according to our behaviour policy which helps children to understand the feelings of others, be polite to each other and learn right from wrong. Stories, role-play games and small group activities are used to help explain this. Respectful behaviour is rewarded.
The Rule of Law
The pre-school rules are explained to children along with the reasons why, such as no running inside in case they slip over and hurt themselves on the hard floor. It is explained to the children that whilst they can enjoy playing with toys at pre-school it is also their responsibility to help to pack them away during tidy up time, so they do not become broken or lost.